altær membership


Imagine being a member of a community where everyone is sexually expressed and free to play, share love, flirt, and be intimate with each other. Being an Altær Member is inclusive to nymphos and is also extremely exclusive. Everyone in Altær Community will have attended a Fucking Audition, meaning they have applied, been accepted and vetted, and invited into Altær Community. Through our Altær Ecosystem, every freak understands boundaries, consent, knows how to take ownership, and be in reciprocity with other Members.


It is often assumed that when someone is a nympho, they will fuck anyone that desires them. Altær wants you to feel safe to express your freaky and deviant nature while also knowing that to flirt, love, and be intimate with someone doesn’t require that you have sex with them. There are many ways you can fuck someone, and each requires more consent, healthy communication, and discussions around boundaries. Altær takes an active and strong stand against bullies. Stripping someone of their agency and choice is means for immediate disciplinary action and potential removal from the Community.


Sex can be used as a way to procreate or recreate. The real magic is when the two come together and you use your fucking energy to create and manifest a life from your arousal. We are talking about real fucking magic that harnesses your erotic energy to create your Altær Dream. We believe it is every person’s right to be able to live a life that turns them on, create a business that aligns to that life, and spend each day pursuing their every fantasy and desire. This is the purpose of the Membership — to help you listen, follow, lead and live from your fucking arousal.



There are four distinct Memberships within the Altær Community, each with exclusive features and benefits. When a Nympho completes their commitments, they are eligible to come through the next Fucking Audition and join a higher membership tier. If they are not ready when the tier opens, they can stay in their previous membership and refine their nympho skillset until properly FuckEd.


$99/ month


Member Portal
Weekly Fucking Ritual
Access to FuckEd
Access to BDSM Agency


$250/ month


Member Portal
Weekly Fucking Ritual
Access to FuckEd
Access to BDSM Agency

Discount on FuckEd
Fuck Buddies
Exclusive Offers

Referral Partner

frÆnd with benefits

$500/ month


Member Portal
Weekly Fucking Ritual
Access to FuckEd
Access to BDSM Agency

Discount on FuckEd
Fuck Buddies
Exclusive Offers

Missionary Position
Affiliate Portal
Weekly Affiliate Call
Office Hours
Access to Fuck U

XTRA special

$500/ mo
+ $5,000


Member Portal
Weekly Fucking Ritual
Access to FuckEd
Access to BDSM Agency

Discount on FuckEd
Fuck Buddies
Exclusive Offers

Missionary Position
Affiliate Portal
Weekly Affiliate Call
Office Hours
Access to Fuck U

Monthly Thræsome
Monthly Inner Circle Call
Founding Member Circle

altær crush

If we have a Crush on you and you have a Crush on us, we would like to hang out with you and get to know you better. While you may be a hottie and have lots of potential, being an Altær Crush is a commitment to explore Altær Community and get to know your way around the Membership. Learn what it means to listen, follow, lead and live from your arousal and see what kind of fucking magic you create. Come through Fuck Your Purpose and Audition to become an Altær Crush.

  • Altær is a Member’s only Community. We have created an Altær Ecosystem and everyone in the Community has access to our Virtual Spaces and eventual Physical Spaces. Receive access to an elite and sacred Community of nymphos and freaks.

  • Every week we come together in a Community call to practice the Fucking Ritual together. Access is exclusive to members — those ready to come into their power and create a life from their own fucking design. Call happens on Mondays.

  • When you become Altær’s Crush, receive access to get FuckEd — our proprietary education based in role play, listening to arousal, and have a good fucking time.

  • Receive access to events and gatherings meant to bring together nymphos and freaks to hang out, play, learn, and connect with one another.

f𒀭ck buddy

It seems we have hit it off with each other and you really enjoyed being a part of our Community and getting FuckEd. Let’s make a habit of this and become Fuck Buddies. You understand the benefits of living from you arousal, now you are ready to unlock, unleash, channel and harness your fucking energy in pursuit of your dreams. Come through Fuck Your Love to Audition to become a Fuck Buddy. In this Membership, receive everything a Crush receives, and in addition receive these additional benefits:

  • When you become a Fuck Buddy, we have both decided that we want to see each other on the regular. We want to make it easy for us to come together, be FuckEd more often, and sex actualize on-demand.

  • If you are going to be a part of Altær Community, you want to know others nymphos in the Community. Fuck Buddies are meant to become lifelong friends that you can share what you care about. You are assigned your Fuck Buddy based on your preferences, desires, needs and wants and they rotate quarterly. You meet weekly with pre-crafted questions meant to get you aquatinted, having fun, and diving deep into what inspires you, challenges you, and deepest secrets.

  • When we are looking for a Member to help build Altær Agency, we look to our Buddies. This could be first looks at products that will eventually be open to the public like Altær Magazine. In addition, any time we need models, photographers, videographers, designers, or any other “job” posting, we first offer it to our Fuck Buddies.

  • As a Fuck Buddy, you get exclusive access to the 69ers Club and receive commission for every person that you refer into Altær.


While Fuck Buddies is fun, lets make it a little more official and become Friends with Benefits. While getting FuckEd was incredible, now it’s time to create your “Altær Dream.” Become an Altær Affiliate and get compensated for the magic and synchronicities that show up in your life. Share Altær and finance the life you have created from your turn on. Receive support and more exclusive access to the Altær Team as well as open up access to our Fucking University (Fuck U). Come through Fuck Your Agency to Audition to become Friends with Benefits.

  • When you’re ready to become Friends with Benefits, you receive access to the Missionary Position. This Altær Affiliate Program is reserved for nymphos who are ready to create a life of their own design from their own arousal and be compensated for it.

  • When you are in the Missionary Position, we want to give you all the toys and resources you need to succeed. When you enter the Affliiate Portal, you will find all the information you need to plug & play.

  • All nymphos in the Missionary Position will receive access to the Weekly Affilate Call. Exclusive to Friends with Benefits, gain access to the Call designed to help you fuck life until it comes to you.

  • When you’re in the Misisonary Position, a major benefit is knowing that you can receive help and guidance at a set time and place. Meet with Altær’s Affiliate Team to get all the answers to any questions that arise or pop up.

  • Once you have become a Friend with Benefits, you receive access to Partæs — exclusive retreats, festivals and yearly gathering. for those in the Missionary Position. We reserve our Partæs for those a part of the Altær Team.

  • Take your education to the next level. While FuckEd is about learning to live from your arousal and create a life that turns you on, Fuck University is specifically designed for creating a life and business that supports a fuck yes life!

xTRA special fwb

While still a Friend with Benefits, your extra investment gets you extra access. This Membership is for those desiring to become an Altær Founder. If you believe in the Altær Vision and want to come into a more exclusive circle, make the investment that allows you to receive the access you crave and deserve. To create your Altær Dream, you need priority and on-demand access to assure when you’re aroused and ready to come together, you have exactly what you need. Come through Fuck Yourself Free and Audition to receive the Extra Benefits available with your Altær Friendship.

  • For Founding Members only, this benefit is what makes your Altær Friendship worth the extra investment. Explore what is holding you back, experience the magic of the Thræsome (Coaching, Consulting and Accountability) as you explore how to thrive in the Missionary Position.

  • Come into the Inner Circle Call where you get to express your voice and be heard. Express your moans and groans as you share what is working and what needs to be improved to keep and make you more aroused. What you come in this Call, what you share and care about is guaranteed to impact everyone in the Missionary Position.

  • Receive access to the Founding Member Circle, where you can provide input, receive feedback and create additional impact based on you fetishes, fantasies and kinks. Stay in touch with other Founding Members and share your secrets that have created and allowed you to align to creating your fucking dreams.

  • While the Missionary Position is guaranteed to keep you turned on, sometimes you might need a little extra communication and play. Through sæxting, make sure when you want to explore what is arousing you that you have a team ready to help you release whatever is standing in the way of your Altær Dream.


We created Altær just for you. We fantasized about creating spaces and places for you feel safe to explore and play with your desires. We are a first-of-its-kind BDSM Agency that provides Branding, Development, Design, Strategy, Sales & Marketing to our members. We exist to help you embrace your fucking nympho, create a kinky business, and sex-actualize to your desire. Come through a Fucking Audition to join our members-only agency.


Come to The Art of Sex Actualization Master Clæss to learn about the F𒀭cking Audition Process and how our BDSM Agency operates.



Begin your F𒀭cking Audition to join our Community. Come to the Altær Your Purpose Experience, then having an Interview with our Co-Founders.



Come through Fuck Your Purpose to audition for our Agency and determine whether or not you are a good fit for our Community.



Connect with the Altær Co-Founders to receive your private invitation to our Community and establish your commitments for joining our Agency.