f*ck ed

we are f*cked

Altær’s Fucking Education is designed to teach you how to live a life guided by your arousal. Rather than listening to the head that sits on your shoulders (that clings to the known and has to have things figured out), being guided by your fucking intelligence (cock/pussy) leads to living a wild, free, sexy, fun, and playful life.

F*ck The Status Quo

As humans, we have evolved to want and value certainty. We want to know outcomes, and that is understandable. Living from your fuck and being comfortable in the unknown is a superpower. As you release the attachments to your status quo, you disrupt what has kept you stuck living a predestined life, and you begin your fucking evolution.

Come Into the Resistance

You are in bondage to the roles you play and who you define yourself to be. If you can be or do anything you desire, would you really keep showing up and doing what you do everyday on repeat? The good boy/girl that you are supposed to be is preventing you from living your best kinky life. The more you fuck who you think you are supposed to be and come into who you desire to be, the easier it is to access your fucking expression.

Join the F*cking Revolution

Own your fuck as a source of inspiration and guidance for your life. Your fucking liberation depends on you coming into your power, living from your turn on, and creating a life that aligns with who you know you are capable of becoming. In a world that values having it all “figured out,” living from your fuck is revolutionary. The unknown is reality and the known is a facade meant to keep you in bondage.

Come and worship at ALTÆR

The Præ Community is an exclusive and inclusive ecosystem designed for leaders who are ready to overcome their upper limit and become exactly who they desire to be. Come through an Audition, then fuck yourself free in our Community Membership.







download your F*CKing ritual

Follow Altær’s Fucking Ritual and live your fucking purpose. Learn how to harness your arousal and channel it into the life you desire to create.