præ Community

Your F*ck Matters

Imagine a world where everyone is guided by their own fuck. Imagine a reality created by each person’s arousal. Imagine how fulfilled you would be if you created a life completely designed by what turned you on.

Come to F*cking Liberation

Your fuck holds the key to what you love and care about. If you want to overcome your upper limit, it’s time to liberate your fuck. Learn how to release to your limitations in Altær’s Præ Community and manifest a life guided by your fuck. Come together in Community.

Place To F*cking Heal

As a Community, we are stronger together. In an effort to understand the nature of our reality, humanity has focused on becoming more conscious, believing that the more we are aware of, the better we become. It seems that we have forgotten about our conscience. Your fuck is your conscience and is designed to attract in what you need to overcome and heal.

Everyone Has F*cking Trauma

In an attempt to be more “conscious,” we have lost our awareness of how our own fuck guides us. We can’t deny our primal nature, our darkest fantasies, and our deepest desires. We are driven by what brings us pleasure and the desire to satiate our hunger for more. To deny that truth only makes us unconscious of what motivates and drives every choice we make. The desire to hide what makes us human is why everyone has fucking trauma.

Luxuries of altær

In the Præ Community, you will learn how to fuck in the bedroom and your life until everything you desire comes to you. We provide education, guidance, and resources to help you heal your fucking drama and align your life to your own fucking flow.

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download your F*CKing ritual

Follow Altær’s Fucking Ritual and live your fucking purpose. Learn how to harness your arousal and channel it into the life you desire to create.