F*ck Magic

Fuck magical thinking and the belief that you can manifest a life without working hard to create it. Shifting a culture that is founded on fucking trauma takes giving everything you have to create fucking liberation. Altær’s Fucking University is a pathway designed to evoke an ineffable amount of vitality, drive, and willpower.

F*cking Cults Create Culture

Reality is a cult. People are indoctrinated into a system that believes power is derived from fear, suffering, depravity, and war. The more you deny it, the less sovereign you are to choose something different. Reclaim your choice over what type of cults you are a part of and become part of a culture that empowers you to live a life free from the suppression of your fucking energy.

F*ck Your Awakening

A fun fact is everyone is conscious, but very few act from their conscience. Choosing to do what you believe is right in the face of adversity is confronting. Altær is the foundation from which you can awaken your fuck and overcome anything that is blocking your dreams. The deeper you go into Fuck U, the more you fill your holes with what satisfies your cravings.

Align To Your F*ck

When everything in your life aligns to creating the exact life you desire for yourself, there is never a question of what actions to take. Coming to your kinky desires creates a clear path — either it turns you on or off. Listening to your fuck allows you to design and architect a life that fulfills your cravings and satiates your soul.

Fuck U Creates f*cking STARS

Altær’s Fucking University is a 16-year pathway. The pathway is broken in year long commitments that are called Altærs. Each Altær is heuristic and holistic, meaning it addresses all aspects of an individual’s life. Each Altær is whole and complete in itself. Our Fucking Education is recursive and everything builds on itself. Whether you complete one year and stop or continue for all 16-years, each Altær presents obstacles you have to overcome to step into who you want to become.

Each Altær upon completion offers certifications to further embody your fucking liberation. Each Altær offers you three ways to make money: 1) Become a Guide for an upcoming Altær, 2) Offering services aligned with your Certifications within the Altær Community, 3) Using your Certifications to bring in people outside the Community into your Fucking Gifts.

erotic role play

You can be anything you desire to be and can create everything that you have the passion and drive to overcome. Write your own erotica for your life and come into the roles that you will need to play to become exactly what turns you on.

  • Become bound to a life that you are inspired to create. Get clear on what creating a life of meaning is to you. Listen to your feelings, be guided by your arousal, and allow your fuck to create an orgasmically designed existence.


    Become a coach and learn to use your fuck to overcome everything that stands in the way of creating your fantasy. Learn to use the content of someone’s fantasy and imagination to gain context of where they are struggling to breakthrough their upper limits. Overcome your own upper limits and look at your own fucking trauma. Get comfortable holding space for people to come to their desires. Become a Fucking Coach and hold a sexy container where people can express their come, sweat, and tears.

  • The entitlement and privilege that comes from fucking trauma disconnects us being present with our suffering. To get to where you want to go, you must be clear about where you are now. Drop into your body and feel everything that is preventing you from overcoming your upper limits. Create a mission for yourself that takes you from where you are now to the ultimate life you crave to experience.


    Become a guide for other members in the Altær Community. Learn how to teach people to use the bedroom as the lab and portal to designing a life from their fuck. Guide people to come alive and be aroused. Confront your fears of being in the spotlight and embrace your dreams of being a sex icon. Become a Certified Altær Guide who teaches people how to fuck life until it comes to them.

  • Form a strategy to take action towards your dreams. Allow your soul’s fantasies and your primal fetishes to align everything in your life to one thing. Allow your arousal to become a superpower so that your sex drive is aligned to what motivates you. Use the gift of your seduction to attract in what you want to overcome and become.


    Work through the imbalances in your body as you reprogram your body to support your fucking purpose. Work through the knots and tension that are holding the patterns in your body. Build strength, flexibility, and endurance so that you are fit and sexy as fuck. Overcome your own bodies limitations and get comfortable working with other’s bodies. Focus in on someone’s weaknesses and transform them into their source of power. Become a Fucking Trainer and help people look and feel good naked as they undress the issues standing in the way of their dreams.

  • Your master plan brings together your vision, mission, and strategy for your life into one fucking purpose. Now it is time to penetrate life and experience the flow you have created from your own fucking healing. Every obstacle will turn you on and your kinks will become your craving. Dominate your life as your submit to being in bondage to you own soul’s cravings.


    Learn to feel, heal, and release the triggers through finding the polarity within your body and others. Work with the kinks and knots to release the fucking trauma that is limiting the mobility and flow of fucking energy. Learn to attune your touch and find presence as you enter into someone’s fucking field and clear the stuck emotions to liberate their bodies. Overcome the feelings that your emotions are your own, and allow yourself to drop in and inherit others emotions so that you can together create resolution. Become a Fucking Bodyworker that can help your clients come through the tension and release their through coming together and creating reciprocity.


Come into your calling as you begin living from your kinks. Break down the damns blocking your flow through embodying the roles you designed and taking inspired action towards your dreams.

  • Play with your dreams as you lay down your dirty roots. Deeply submit to your soul as you domme your life. Fuck your calling as you learn the true meaning of bondage and enslavement to a higher calling. Get paid to play as you gain the valuable experiences that make you a master.


    Step into the spotlight and pose in front of the camera as you get inspired and inspire others through your art and seduction. Penetrate the hearts and minds as you become an fucking model. Use your body to arouse and turn admirers into loyal followers. Allow the hard work and deep fucking healing to shine through as you expose your fucking liberation. Overcome your resistance to being sexualized and objectified as you evoke deep emotions trapped in people’s fuck. Become a Fucking Model who fearlessly and passionately bares all through expressing the full spectrum of your orgasmic life.

  • Redefine what it means for you to land your dream job. Learn discipline as you work hard to fuck life until it comes to you. Design your role and play the part/s necessary to seduce your craving and satiate your hunger. Create a career that allows you and others to deeply fall in love with what matters most to you.


    Hold and feel the intensity of the moment being captured. Create a safe place for release and capture the moment of orgasm whether it be come, sweat or tears. Curate climatic experiences where it is safe to experiment, express, and expose the raw, primal essence that has been trapped behind the veil. Overcome your shame as you shoot a spread that is so expanded that it drops people deep into their fuck. Become a Fucking Photographer and allow your arousal to become your lens through which you capture naked love expressed.

  • If it’s a side hustle, it is a distraction from you being focused on your dreams. Fuck at your leisure, and get paid to moonlight what makes you horny. Integrating everything into your life that you care about into one offering creates alignment that allows people to pay for what they actually desire…which is you.


    Teach people how to fuck. Show them how to express every sensation and emotion that channels through your body. Society teaches that fucking is natural and you get to show them the supernatural. Fuck your innocence and allow yourself to be lusted and coveted after. Harness your fucking actions as you penetrate people with your purpose. Overcome your fear of being caught in the act as you expose all. Film every fucking action and become the muse that inspires. Become a Fucking Educator and have students that fantasize about their teacher.

  • Integrate your apprenticeship, career and hobbies into one aligned love offering. Your fuck is lusted after, and your dreams have become other’s desires. As others invest their fucking energy into your dreams, transform their lives through living from your arousal. Learn to create through offering others an opportunity to live in agency and step into fucking liberation.


    Record and create content that teaches people how to fuck. Learn how to capture beauty by finding the best angles to fully expose the release. Create fantasy through fetish. Expose the sacred and come into the taboo. Produce sexy videos of kinky acts that inspire people practice, master, and recreate all the elements of each video. Overcome your desire to be on set, and channel your energy into your filming. Become a Fucking Photographer and produce high-quality videos of erotic action that captures the beautiful of our fucking purpose.


Take your vanity to the next level by venturing into the unknown. Bring other fucking leaders who are aligned in vision and create a fantasy where everyone can play together. Find yourself in the company of powerful movers and shakers who can elevate your dreams to make them reality.

  • Once the fucking apprentice, now the teacher. Being a fucking leader means bringing others into submission to pursue their dreams. Imagine people being so envious of you that they willingly slave away to learn from the master. Find mutual pleasure in the desire for sensation. When the sadist and the masochist meet, consent allows for an envious experience.


    Take your fucking energy out of the bedroom and into the world. Create beautiful fucking stories intended to turn on and arouse the watchers. Create plots that expand beyond the typical story of withholding love, and write erotica that create desire, passion, and intimacy. Show what is possible when love without limits is expressed. Learn to express roles that play to the edges of people’s arousal. Overcome your intimacy blocks and show your totally raw, expressed, and vulnerable parts as you ride the waves of pleasure. Become a Fucking Erotica Star as you step into the spotlight and embrace your full orgasmic potential.

  • Having a career that makes you come to it repeatedly shows discipline, willpower, and fucking drive. Being trustworthy and reliable are characteristics of a fucking leader. When you demonstrate that level of dependability, you embody a seductive quality that allows others to religiously show up for you and take responsibility to create your dreams.


    Write beautiful and sexy erotica stories meant to evoke feelings and sensation hidden deep beyond the veil. Undress people’s darkest fantasies and transform their shadow into a sexual source of light. Transform people’s perception of fucking and create narratives that expose the issues. Indoctrinate the hearts and minds of your viewers as you create excitement to portray a story made from expansive love. Overcome the world’s limitations on what love is as you write erotica designed to trigger people’s fuck. Become a Fucking Writer and write stories, plant seeds, and create narratives that allow people to believe a better world is actually possible.

  • There are many roles you will have to play in pursuit of your dreams. Being willing to embody every role and overcome your triggers by making them your kinks shows that you are bound to your purpose. The ambrosia of your hard work creates character that is covetous. Become a leader that can penetrate and pierce the veil of other’s deepest craving, then hold them in the juicy tenderness of their fucking healing.


    Help someone confront their fucking trauma through manual therapy. Go deep into the source of the wounds as you trigger and hold someone in their points of release. Hold space through gentle release techniques designed to stimulate a response, then create presence that resolves the core conflict. Learn how to go deeper into someone’s sexual trauma and hold a container safe for someone to full come into presence with their pain. Overcome the stories that create polarity preventing someone from healing painful sexual trauma with pleasure. Become a Fucking Therapist and step into a practice that normalizes healing fucking trauma.

  • Creating envious experiences, taking responsibility religiously, and embodying character that is covetous gives you superpowers that few can harness. Understanding the desire to damn what can’t be controlled and suppress that which is misunderstood, gives you the power to love your community and embrace the fucking liberation of humanity.


    A true coaches is present before, during, and after the game. Existing sex coaches abstain from being present during actual action, therefore missing many opportunities for teaching and resolution. Live action adjustments create a clear picture of the issue rather than parties portrayal through the projection of their fucking trauma. Hold deeply sacred containers while being observe, create, and orient all parties towards creating room for intimacy, vulnerability, and emotion. Overcome the intensity of being present with climatic experiences. Have character that holds the integrity of the moment. Become a Live Fucking Coach who breaks through deeply ingrained patterns only detected when observing the action. Create clear plans of action that encompass a holistic approach to sex.


Gather your community, embrace your influence, and stand on the podium of your dreams manifested. Together, actualize a vision that has created fucking liberation for your entire community. Own the power you have harnessed and become the foundation for a future generation of fucking leaders.

  • Focus your power by creating an ecosystem that supports and seduces the hopes and dreams of your community. Listen to what other’s love and recognize that you hold the key their fantasies becoming a reality. Invigorate your life by surrounding yourself with hot, horny, and humble students capable of merging realities and erecting share mutual orgasmic experiences.


    Create meaningful fucking conversations that allow participants to engage in interactions that feel safe while also diving deep into fantasy, role play, and imagination. Listen and respond to intimate topics that are deeply embedded in the subconscious. Engage fully in someone’s story as you play the role of their design. Give yourself fully to the conversation and create intimacy through guided fantasies, kinky confessionals, and candid expressions of love and desire. Overcome swapping roles and improvising your personality to match the fucking energy for attraction and growth. Become a Fucking Operator and create magical improvisations that produce lasting memories and sustained arousal.

  • Become a personality that accepts the weight of their influence and harnesses it to penetrate the masses. Imagine being a fucking leader that makes a tangible difference in the world. Come into an embodiment of your gifts that allows you to write erotica together with your entire fucking community.


    Step into the spotlight and becoming a Fucking Star. Create an entirely new genre of films specifically designed to keep someone at the edge of their fucking seats. Rather than someone “acting” the entire movie, star in feature films that combines structure with improvisation. See real reactions, actual orgasm, full emotional release, and true intimacy. Feel polarity and triggers so intense that they make you wet with arousal. Overcome live action role play where someone is their full fucking embodiment and creating scenes that spark on-demand upgrades. Star in films where love is imbued throughout rather than a hopeful outcome. Become a Fucking Star and have people watch you transcend the “actor” and come into a full live-action film in drama, romance, sex, action and comedy.

  • Direct your community’s fucking energy through learning the gift of empowering others to step into their fucking power. The ability to harness and direct other’s erotic energy into creating what they love is the foundation and transformation from a fucking leader into becoming an erotic entrepreneur. Tap into the beginning of a new generation of entrepreneurs who create from their fuck and bring forth their fantasy through conjuring something into existence from the dark void of oblivion.


    Hold the creative vision throughout an entire fucking film. Guide the artistic and technical elements. Visualize the script and all the roles that everyone has to play. Determine how each person lives into their full expression and most expansive fuck as they come on set. Be responsible for the film’s artistic and dramatic aspects creating an entire film of climatic improvisations. Overcome stepping out of the spotlight and own your responsibility for directing the entire screenplay. Learn how to create a high budget film through playing with fucking energy of the audience. Become a Fucking Director as you command the entire set from development to post production (start to finish).

  • Entwine your seductive identity, penetrative personality and erotic gifts to create an affair made from the loins of your love. Integrate all the roles you have played as a fucking leader and individuate into becoming an erotic entrepreneur. From the foundation you have built, you and your community together will step into producing an arousing story created from the come, sweat and tears of everyone’s ambrosia flowing together.


    Oversee the entire production of a fucking film. Make sure all the pieces of the puzzle fit together as conceptualize and pick the scripts, form your team, and manage the finances. Be responsible for an entire fucking production and keeping each member of the team completely satisfied and utterly aroused in their fucking energy. Pioneer a new genre meant to provoke growth, sex actualization, and increase hunger and craving for more intimate experiences in life. Overcome the pre-conceived notions of the current film industry and create multi-dimensional films steeped in metaphor. Become a Fucking Producer and channel your full creative capacity as you harness the entire fucking endeavor.

download your F*CKing ritual

Follow Altær’s Fucking Ritual and live your fucking purpose. Learn how to harness your arousal and channel it into the life you desire to create.