THE F*CKing foundERS

Anna + Atlas Spear

Altær Founders

Anna and Atlas were both raised in the modern day cult called society, indoctrinated into believing that they needed to be a good boy and girl and make others happy by altering who they were to fit in. Through conformity and confusion, both forgot their purpose and became lost in the hamster wheel called ‘The American Dream.’ Despite their attempts to fit in and become the ideal, there was a hunger inside to be different.

After reaching pinnacle moments (landing a dream job at Google, starting an real estate fund), both recognized that their lives didn’t match their fuck. Through seeking for more, they both had a near death experience that forever changed their lives. That death was the crux point in their journey and defined a choice point to either go back to the cult, or create their own destiny.

They both chose to follow their fuck and listen to their heart, and as fate had it, they both fucked their purpose and came together.

Letting go of everything they had achieved, they rose from the ashes to burn brighter than ever. They have been through hell, and only by listening to their fuck did they find a pathway through the darkness. Their journey of expansion led to their fucking healing, and that pathway has become the foundation of Altær. Their deepest desire is for you to Altær within your own spirit and follow your fuck to who you truly are. Their kink is your fucking liberation, and they live, breathe and walk this vision with integrity in all areas of their life.

Anna (Maggie) Spear

Chief Seduction Officer

“Sex will save the world.”

I never thought I would be doing this work or writing a quote like that. Sex was a shameful topic in my household — filled with trauma, distortion, and secrecy. I was raised to believe that sex was a weapon, and it was weaponized against me time and time again throughout my life. I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, and I have made it my purpose to liberate everyone from sexual distortion and slavery.

In August 2014, suffering from heat exhaustion in the desert, I had a Near Death Experience. In classic NDE fashion, I left my body and traveled down a tunnel of light. There I met many of my ancestors who asked me to heal my lineage and resolve the generational curse of incest and sexual trauma. That experience woke me up to how empty and unfulfilled I was in my golden handcuffs and catalyzed me to leave my career at Google. After that, I spent 10 years unraveling and healing. My journey led me to remember and reclaim who I am through studying somatics, shamanism, and sexuality. Through that experience, I remembered my mission and purpose — fucking liberation for all.

When Atlas and I came together four years ago, we embarked on a cosmic adventure that led us through the depths of Hell. I had always dreamed of finding a partner who was willing to get down and dirty with me, but I never imagined how much I would expand through our union. Altær is our Love Child — the product of our fuck and all we have alchemized through it.

I envision a planet where everyone is free to express their erotic essence and innocence. My work is devoted to creating a world where every single person is safe in their body and can own their fuck. The world distorts and hijacks sexual energy. It’s my mission to set us free. The sexual abuse I experienced prevented me from having a lot of things in my life. Through my healing journey, I recognized the power that was stripped from me. I am honored to support others in reclaiming their sovereignty and creating their dreams.

atlas (Matt) Spear

Chief penetration Officer

“Wherever you go, there you will be.”

I have an undergraduate in Exercise and Health Science from Kennesaw State University, and an MBA from Acton in Entrepreneurship. I spent ten years in the health and fitness industry as a personal trainer running my own business, then spent four years in real estate. In real estate, I started a fund as CEO that bought homes off the MLS, rehabbed, rented, and sold those properties to REIT’s based on cash flows. I also went to seminary for a while and almost became a pastor.

In every one of those degrees, careers, and roles I played, I was always met by the same obstacles. In each situation, I discovered I was still in my own way and the only obstacle was myself. It wasn’t until I left the fund that I made a promise to myself. “I will not create or lead another company until I can figure out how to get out of my own way.”

The journey to removing my greatest obstacle — myself — led me to some interesting places. I tried meditation, spirituality, studied somatics and neurolinguistic programing, and consumed every ounce of information on habit change. At the end of the day, all of those things were missing something. Eventually, I found myself attempting to shift my life through the use of psychedelics. Those only led me down a path that laid the foundation for my near death experience.

After that experience, my nervous system had been completely blown out and shut down. ****I was left with a choice. — either learn how to overcome myself if I ever wanted to live a fraction of the life I had prior, or forever find myself living in fear. Through daily feelings of death, panic attacks, psychosis, and about every other mental condition that could be found in the DSM, I discovered the source of my own power. It was within my fuck (cock), and the more I listened to it, the more I found myself healing.

Feeling crazy for listening, following, leading and living my life from my fuck, together Anna and I spent four years healing massive amounts of sexual trauma. Through our experience, we created Altær. I can tell you that they only thing truly standing in your way is yourself, but honestly, it is because you are bored as fuck. Life is meant to be arousing, exciting, turn you on, and make you want to take fucking action. With your sex drive as the source of your will and strength, you can overcome any upper limit and create everything you desire.