come & præ


The Præ Community is a safe space to not play it safe. We want you to feel like you can let go, be free, and express yourself. Because we value your privacy, Præ Community is an agreed ecosystem. It is gated and recursive. The deeper you go, the more access you gain to things within the community. Præ Community is sex forward. It is about everything sex. “Fucking Liberation for All” only happens when we can openly talk about, practice, and play with everyone’s fuck being completely liberated.


To become a Fucking (Founding) Member, you have to come through a Fucking Audition. In the Fucking Interview, we will together craft your pathway through our ecosystem. We reserve the right to refuse membership to anyone that we feel isn’t ready or doesn’t resonate with the values and beliefs of the Præ Community. At the end of the Fucking Interview, you will receive your own private invitation into the Præ Community.


When you come in Præ Community, you will receive the Luxuries of Altær. The Luxuries include:

  • Each week on Mondays, you receive an exclusive members only F*cking Cæll. We want you to come into your week turned the fuck on, alive, and ready to fuck your life. As you Altær your reality, together we will come to bringing everyone’s desires to life.

  • Come in our Fucking Portæl where you have exclusive & inclusive member access to being your kinky, freaky self. Share about your fucking life, receive fucking guidance from the community, share you fucking photos and videos, and find other members who want to play. Everything you fucking desire happens within the Fucking Portæl.

  • Everyone needs friends with benefits. In the Præ Community, F*ck Buddæs are meant to become lifelong friends that you can share what you care about. You are assigned your Fuck Buddæ based on your preferences, desires, needs and wants. You meet weekly with pre-crafted questions meant to get you aquinted, having fun, and diving deep into what inspires you, challenges you, and deepest secrets.

  • Once you come into the Præ Community, you gain access to all of our Fucking Education. It is exclusively for members. The purpose of all of FuckEd is to help you Altær your life from bedroom to boardroom (and all other areas of your life). Everything is connected regardless of whether you are working on your fucking performance or your fucking business.

  • Receive offers exclusively for members. When you come in Præ Community, you open up access to be solicited for fucking offers. This could be first looks at products that will eventually be open to the public like Altær Magazine. In addition, any time we need models, photographers, videographers, designers, or any other “job” posting, we first offer to it within the Community.

  • Events and retreats guaranteed to satisfy all your desires and keep you coming for more.


In addition to what is included in the Præ Community, you also open up exclusive access to getting FuckEd. It includes all of our coaching, trainings, immersive workshops, and sex education. Prepare to play in offerings meant to keep you coming back for more.




Becoming a Kinky Koæla is no small feat. You have to hang on throughout the entire Fucking Audition. Koæla’s are naturally kinky, and at Altær it is no different. At Altær, they move through one kink at a time and at their own pace. A Kinky Koæla loves to f*ck, and they also love to cuddle, be cute, and intuitively come when they are ready.

4 payments of $1500

Includes The Fucking Audition

FYL — $1500

FYP — $1500

FYF — $1500

FYR — $1500


Weekly Cæll, Fuck Buddæs, Member Portæl, Access to FuckEd, Exclusive Offers, Partæs

Payments begin after Audition


If you are ready to become a Fucking Phoænix, you already know the power of your fuck. You are here for “Fucking Liberation For All” and have been waiting for an opportunity to rise from the Æ’s (ashes). The Fucking Phoenix is so consumed by their fucking energy that they are tired of dying, and ready to come to life. Rise…you Fucking Phoenix.

1 payment of $5,000

Includes The Fucking Audition



Everything in Kinky Koala plus:

Monthly Thræsome

First Access to Præ Community

Private Fucking Phænix Founding Member Circle

Payments begin after Audition


The Altær Bunny is ready to become Altær’s pet. You like quick and you love often, so we created a fast track just for you. If you’re ready to hop into the sack and come out of your hole, we want you to come through the superhighway like a hare rather than a tortoise. If you feel like you’re Altær Bunny material, reach out and let’s see if you’re a good playmate.

invitation only

Come Into Our Inner Circle

Pricing is the same as Kinky Koala, with delayed financing that is repaid as you earn income through Altær.

Exclusive invitation only extended to select people.

Fucking Interview comes at the beginning of the Fucking Audition, so we can assess if you are Altær Bunny material.

You must already be a Bunny and have prior Bunny experience.

begin your F*CKing audition

Membership to Præ is accessed through the Fucking Audition. Begin your fucking adventure when you register for Fuck Your Life and make the single most important choice you ever will — to listen to what turns you on and makes you come alive.