f*ck your LIFE

To Be or Not to Be Yourself…That is the Question

It doesn’t matter who you fucking are, you were born to be you. Embrace your wild, free, untamed and kinky self, and become everything you could have ever imagined you would be. Rather than altering who you are to make others feel safe, happy, or comfortable, place yourself at the altar and worship who you were designed to be.

You Are What You Worship

You are fucking rad. You are one badass motherfucker. Stop giving your fucking energy and attention to things that don’t honor and cherish you for exactly who you fucking are. Become your own fucking savior and invest your attention in what matters most…you. Fuck your pain and come to your pleasure. You were destined for greatness. That is your fucking purpose.

Worship Your F*cking Story

When you own your fucking story, you get to write the ending. Heal your fucking drama, and overcome all the obstacles preventing you from living the exact life you desire. Come together and learn how to embrace your full fucking potential. When you Fuck Your Altær, you stop coming to other people’s desires and take action by coming to your own.

Altær Your REALITY

Anything less than everything, is nothing. How you do anything is how you do everything. Lukewarm is not an option. Fully give yourself to your fucking purpose and alter your world to make your dreams come true. Go all in on being your fucking self. To be or not to be yourself…that is the only fucking question you must answer. If you are here to fuck the status quo, this is your ticket to become a fucking revolutionary.

F*CK YOUR life

Fuck Your Life is the first step of your Fucking Audition. Join us for this 4-week orgæ and learn how to listen to your fuck to overcome anything that stands in the way of fully being yourself. In addition to the classes, you will receive our Fucking Ritual, two recorded practices, and an erotica e-book that will keep you coming while you create your fucking purpose.

Sept 9, 16, 23, 30
12-2pm PST


  • Learn how to overcome anything and everything that stands in the way of your fucking dreams. Come to understand the “Æ” in Altær and what it means to be willing to play any role to create your desires. Use the bedroom as an altar for your life, so that you can bring your fuck out of the bedroom and alter your reality. Receive the Fucking Ritual and come prepared.

  • Your purpose is to be you. Fully and completely you. Except, many of us have forgotten what means to be ourselves. Returning home to being yourself is about learning to altær your purpose. Learn about and be led through the Altar and Alter Ritual in this training and work through any kinks you need to overcome. Remember how to play and be yourself. Receive the Fucking Ritual Audio and be prepared to come.

  • When you altær your flow, you are shifting the course of your life to come into who you truly desire to be. What you create is a direct reflection of who you are. The more you open your flow and undress your kinks, the more you fucking actualize. Learn how to break down any dams in the way of your flow. Receive the Fucking Ritual Video and together practice the Fucking Ritual live.

  • When you altær your fuck, purpose, and flow, everything comes together to altær your reality. Bring together everything you have come to understand as you “Fuck your life. Altær your reality.” Learn how when you get clear on what makes you come, what you are coming into, and what you are coming out of, that everything clearly comes together. Receive your private invitation in the Orgæsm Hub.

  • Join the Fucking Conversation for a socratic discussion where we take actual cases from real people’s lives and stand in the shoes of the Fucking Star. Use our erotica case study method to embody and role play each part of the scene. See how the fucking issue is also the fucking solution. Come play, have fun, and fuck the taboo. A preview of what's to come in our membership...

  • Everyone needs friends with benefits. F*ck Buddæs are meant to become lifelong friends that you can share what you care about. You are assigned your Fuck Buddæ based on your preferences, desires, needs and wants. You meet weekly with pre-crafted questions meant to get you aquainted, having fun, and diving deep. A preview of what's to come in our membership...